The kick off meeting took place on 16 and 17 January in Bologna, at the Department of Science Education “Giovanni Maria Bertin” in the presence of 45 representatives of the different partners. An opportunity to meet, work on team building, collect ideas and plan future work.
Day 1
After the institutional welcome, all H-WORK partners presented themselves and Luca Pietrantoni from UNIBO gave an overview about the project, explaining the background and the concept and going through the project goals, timeline and targets to fulfil. After that, each work package was explained talking about the scope, tasks, milestones and deliverables.
Day 2
In the beginning of day 2, the participants discussed administrative issues and project management actions. Then three workshops took place: workshop #X was about integration of the consortium expertise, development of H-WORK toolkits and detailed WP planning. In workshop #Y the participants talked about needs analysis and data collection, intervention sites and possible barriers in implementation, first ideas of intervention toolkits, evaluation and role of intervention board. Worlkshop #Z focused on toolkits, benchmarking and platform requirements; communication, dissemination and exploitation; ethics and IPR issues. In the end, the “sticky wall” game gather feedbacks about the kick off meeting.