
2023, Psychosoziale und Medizinische Rehabilitation 

 Self-Management for Work Problems or Work Anxiety 

2023, Psychosoziale und Medizinische Rehabilitation 

 Choose one – act on one! A Three-Session Coaching on a Selected Work Problem 

28 April 2023, MDPI

The Impact of Mental Health Leadership on Teamwork in Healthcare Organizations: A Serial Mediation Study

9 September 2021, Frontiers in Psychology

Job Insecurity and Job Performance: A Serial Mediated Relationship and the Buffering Effect of Organizational Justice

9 August 2022, ASU Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin Umweltmedizin

Coaching bei Erschöpfung und Überarbeitungsgefühlen

May 2021, ResearchGate

Digital Solutions for Workplace Mental Health Promotion During COVID-19 Pandemic: Taxonomy and Human Factors Issues

27 May 2022, Taylor & Francis Online 

Quantitative process measures in interventions to improve employees’ mental health:
A systematic literature review and the IPEF framework

February 2022IGI Global

Mentally Healthy Healthcare: Main Findings and Lessons Learned From a Needs Assessment Exercise at Multiple Workplace Levels
7 October 2021Workplace Health & Safety

“We All Held Our Own”: Job Demands and Resources at Individual, Leader, Group, and Organizational Levels During COVID-19 Outbreak in Health Care. A Multi-Source Qualitative Study
24th March 2021Open Research Europe

“Workplace mental health promotion in a large state organization: Perceived needs, expected effects, neglected side effects”

31 October 2020, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

“H-WORK Project: Multilevel Interventions to Promote Mental Health in SMEs
and Public Workplaces”


Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2023: “Staying fit on the job: Effects of work-related individual coaching in Germany” 

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2023: “Implementing Individual & Leader Interventions In Organizations: The EU H-WORK Approach”

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2023: “Evaluating well-being intervention effectiveness. Need analysis, intervention implementation process, and cost-effectiveness” 

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2023: “Multilevel effects of leader transfer of training on leader and employee well-being” 

European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2023: “Adapting Mental Health Needs Analysis and Action Planning to Online & Hybrid Methods: Lessons Learned During COVID-19” 

European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2023: “The Strengths-based Team Crafting Intervention for Project teams: Development, implementation (and initial results)” 

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2023: “The Design and Implementation of a Workplace Individual- and Leader-level Intervention to Promote Mental Health in Junior University Teachers”

European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2023: “Promoting mental health in the school setting: from needs analysis to a team-level intervention 

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2023: “Exploring needs for multilevel interventions to promote mental health in SMEs and public workplaces. Experience from the H-WORK project” 

European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2023: “Promoting mental health in the workplace. From need analysis to multilevel interventions in the H-WORK project” 

European Congress of Psychology, 2023: “A Journey into the H-WORK Project: raising the bast in promoting mental health in the workplace”

European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2023: “Process and effect evaluation of interventions at different levels across organisations: Case studies from the H-WORK project” 

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2023: “Context-mechanism-outcome configuration of a positive stress management intervention” 

European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2023: “Needs analyses for targeting multilevel organizational interventions to improve mental health and well-being – the H-WORK Needs Assessment Tool (HAT)” 

European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, 2022: “Process evaluation of a digital-based intervention to foster communication in an Italian public healthcare institution and a Czech retail company”. 

European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, 2022: “Implementing positive psychological interventions in an Italian healthcare organization”. 

15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, 2022: “The cost-effectiveness of H-work multilevel interventions to promote mental health in SMEs and public workplaces”. 

European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, 2022: “Best practices implementing IGLO Health interventions in Organizations: The EU H-WORK Framework”.

European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, 2022: “A cross-country process evaluation of an individual level intervention implemented in one Spanish SME and an Italian public healthcare institution”. 

European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, 2022: “Design and implementation of multilevel positive psychological interventions on three Spanish SMEs”. 

European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, 2022: “The senior managers’ perception of their role in implementing H-WORK interventions for mental health and well-being”. 

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2022: “Visualising real-time social network data to promote healthcare teams: Team-technology interaction as a trigger to a digital intervention’s acceptance and transfer intention”.
European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2022: “Deducing multilevel job demands and resources in an Italian healthcare institution”.
International Ergonomics Association, 2021: “Digital solutions for workplace mental health promotion during COVID-19 pandemic: Taxonomy and Human Factors issues”.

Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, 2021: “Promozione dei team nel settore sanitario: Valutazioni di un intervento digitale basato sulla mappatura delle reti sociali”.

Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, 2020: “La progettazione di interventi multilivello di promozione del benessere psicologico nel settore pubblico: il progetto europeo H-WORK”.

EU Implementation event: Facilitators of mental health interventions’
implementation and effectiveness in healthcare