This is the sixth one of a series of training pills on Positive Psychology called PsiCovid-19.
In this one, professor Marisa Salanova describes a well-known technique called “Three good things” or “Journal of the three blessings”. The objective of this exercise is to become aware of the positive aspects of daily life and to give thanks for them.
Aspects to consider:
– Every night before going to bed, think and write three things that went well for you during the day. These things can be simple and ordinary (for example, my boss made me smile today; my partner told me good news) or big events (i.e. I have learned something very significant today).
– It is important that you write it in a notebook, or some mobile device.
– Once written, take some time to reflect on these points and feel thankful for it.
– You can do the exercise for a week, ideal two.
– The term “daily” does not refer to the physical object in which these experiences are written down, but to the frequency with which this activity must be carried out: daily.
Enjoy this exercise.
Be safe, stay strong!